Friday, March 5, 2010

week 7.

Etec..........week 7 far should educators go in matching tec. used in the class room to the type of tec. that their students use in every day life's?
A.That is kind of a touchy subject, I feel that teachers should use prevalent up to date tec. in their instruction but be sure and keep away from the distracting aspects that some tec. comes with.
Q.Are online chats and i.m. of value in the class room? Do they add to the learning experience or are they distracting?
A.I feel that online chats and i.m. has no place in a high school class room. I can not think of a relevant use for either. Yes both uses of that type of tec. would be super distracting.
Q.Are their benefits to asynchronous text based commutation compared to face to face Communion?
A. for me personally that is a hard question to answer, I do enjoy good face to face debate and lecture, however through my online classes I have found that I don't hold back when answering a question or asking for help via email.
Q.does using pod cast really help students learn, Or is just another passive way to communicate?
A. At this time I'm not really sure where I stand one this aspect of learning. I tend to lean more to the its a passive way to communicate, however I wont stand firm and write the pod casting off until I get to use it myself. playing video game help students learn? will I allow my children to play them everyday? what skills are to be gained from the game play?
A. Their are some studies that state that yes video games will help students learn. But as far as my personal idea of class room learnig I say no. I don't enjoy playing video games so it is hard for me to see using them in a class room. Also I have a daughter and no she will not be playing video games everyday, I want her to be physically active. However possibly I could see how video game play would improve your eye hand coordination.

Friday, February 5, 2010


I thought the video was inspirational no pun intended. I feel like these tools will help new teachers organize there lesion plans to help relate more to the students. If i was my decision to spend money on this program i would have to pass unless i felt like there was a definite need for the program. Somethings are better left to the "old school method" of getting back to the hands on training. I feel like the hands on training in an easy method that certain students can relate to as a normal day to day learning method.

1. I dint feel like this program could be a substitution of a writing assignment. On the grounds that sometimes kids need to know the simple things like writing a simple one page research paper. I know some students in college who can barely write a simple paper. I feel like this is proof that kids have fallen thought the cracks of the education system. I dint know any employers who will higher a person who cant even write. Its sad that these kids will get a bachelors and i will have to compete against them for a teaching job.

2. The best example i could conclude from this information is that the blog would be sufficient to this educational experience. Students can efficiently answer questions and they don't have to be at school so this gives them time to think at home about what the question. I would definitely use this tool to help me relate, and be more apt to get the kids to come to my level this way.

3. well i must be honest i can not recall ever teaching anyone anything .............ever. But i would like to. That is why i am in school to become a teacher. So hopefully in the near future i will be able to answer this question.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i am lost .....what d0 tigers dream of